Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Sussex Stewed Steak

1 kg chuck steak or top rump of beef, cut in 1 piece
Salt and pepper
1 to 2 tablespoons flour
1 large onion
5 tablespoons each port and stout
2 tablespoons mushroom ketchup or wine vinegar

Season the meat, rub flour on both sides. Put it flat in a shallow baking dish in which it just fits. Over it slice the onion. Pour in the port, stout and ketchup or vinegar. Cover with a double sheet of greaseproof paper, and the lid of the dish. Put it in a very low oven, 140ยบ C, and leave it for about 3 hours – a little less or longer won’t matter. The toughest piece of meat emerges beautifully tender, and the gravy rich, bright brown, excellently flavored.

Creamy mashed potatoes and perhaps a few fried or grilled mushrooms – if you can get large flat ones – go well with this casserole of steak.

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