Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Flank Steak Orientale

2 skirt or flank steaks
3 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
15 to 20 cl Japanese soy sauce
½ teaspoon Tabasco sauce
5 tablespoons dry sherry or dry vermouth

Rub the steaks well with the chopped garlic and the pepper. Place them in a shallow dish and add the soy sauce, Tabasco sauce and sherry. Turn the steaks in the marinade several times. Let them stand for an hour or two at room temperature, or even overnight in the refrigerator.

Grill the steaks at high temperature, close to the heat, for 3 minutes on each side to obtain rare meat. Salt to taste and cut in very thin slices with a sharp knife – holding the knife so that the flat of the blade is almost parallel to the steak, to produce wine, diagonally cut slices.

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